Sepura Oil Water Separator

Sepura Oil Water Separator


Typical air compressor installation

Typical condensate management installation

Traditional separator - with gravity pre-separation

Traditional separator - with gravity pre-separation

This is a traditional oil/water separator

It is a complex construction, made from many parts.
The principal of operation requires it to perform a series of processes on the condensate;
the effectiveness of each stage affects the performance of the next one.
If any one stage performs badly,the overall result is affected.

Traditional separator - with gravity pre-separation

If the filter is carbon, it must be soaked in water before installation, or its performance will be a small fraction of the rated capacity.

If oil contamination is higher than expected(high condensate flows or oil separator failure)carbon quickly becomes ineffecctive and flow is blocked.

This type od separator is usually fitted with an alarm to warm of high liquid levels caused by blocking in the separator - because that's what happens!


Effective treatment of oil-contaminated compressor ondensate for compressed air system.
Ensure a steady down slope from the outlet point to foul drain.Never discharge to storm drain or surface water.
Test outlet quality weekly usingg kit provided.Replace filter before outlet cloudiness exceeds the limit for your refion.

Water separator 60 to 7000 cfm (1.7 to 200m3/min)

Model SEP60 SEP120 SEP360 SEP900 SEP1800 SEP3500 SEP7000
Capacity CFM 0 - 60 (1.7) 61 - 120 121 - 360 361 - 900 901 - 1800 1801 - 3500 3501 - 7000
Capacity m3/min 0 - 1.7 1.8 - 3.4 3.5 - 10.2 10.3 - 25.5 25.6 - 51 52 - 100 101 - 200
Filter life (hours) 4/5000 4/5000hr 4/5000 4/5000 4/5000 16,000 16,000

SEP 3500 / 7000 ST

This is SEP 3500 ST and SEP 7000 ST
Large capacity single separators are more efficient than using multiple installations of samaller units.

Multiple installations are expensivve to engineer, and it is almost impossible to ensure that each separator receives an equal share of condensate.The service interval is  therefore ALWAYS dictated that the other are never fully utilised.
End-of-life replacement requires a new IBC,pre-filled with STERLING material.
The pressure relief chamber and connecting pipt-work is re-used.The contaminated material in the old IBC is sealed for transport to a licensed waste disposal site.Servicing is therefore both quick and clean.
Always refer to SEPURA before accepting an order - sample and site information may be needed.
Sizes are 600 litres (SEP 3500 ST) and,1,000 litres (SEP 7000 ST)


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