Multiparameter Transmitter DPT145

Multiparameter Transmitter DPT145


Innovative. That’s DPT145. Our uniquely capable Multiparameter Transmitter for SF6 gas opens for you the world of online measurement of dew point, pressure, and temperature. It also calculates four other values, including SF6 density. 

Integratable. That’s DPT145. It’s especially well-suited for integration into OEM systems, please contact us to discuss opportunities further.

Measured parameters: dew point, pressure, temperature
Calculated parameters: SF6 density, normalized pressure, dew point in atmospheric pressure, ppm
Digital output: RS-485 with MODBUS
Key Benefits
  • Risk-free, greener solution
Online monitoring of gas trends via data collection means there’s no sampling — and no risk of releasing SF6 gas up in the air.
  • Cost-efficiency
Save time and money across the board, from investment and installation to operation and servicing.
  • Easy maintenance
No frequent calibration is needed.

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